Oklahoma! (2016)
CLIP 1: In this scene prior to “It’s A Scandal! It’s A Outrage!” Ali Hakim has been pitching woo to Ado Annie, which infuriates her father, who traps the peddler man into marrying his daughter. CLIP 2: Raoul Daniel Luna as Ali Hakim performs “It’s A Scandal! It’s A Outrage!” (assisted by some well synchronized townsfolk) in Roger’s & Hammerstein’s OKLAHOMA! ACTORS: Aubrey Malakoff as Ado Annie Raoul Daniel Luna as Ali Hakim Rich Kline as Mr. Carnes Townsfolk: Melanie Belonis, Alexa Comeau, Morgan Corbett, Kaitlin Geoghegan, Janine LeChien, Avelyn Simons, Rebecca Wendover, James Houston, Alex Ridder, Richard Sarles, and Raymond Shinn. Presented by Somerset Valley Players (Somerset, NJ) – April, 2016. |
Still With It (2015)
Episode 3 - The Reboot Written by Raoul D. Luna Directed by Scott Korn Cast: Julian Johns (Raoul D. Luna) This is the latest episode in my web series "Still With It" which chronicles the misguided adventures of Julian Johns, a desperate to be famous actor in his mid-forties, striving to maintain relevance in a hash-tag world. |
Leonard Peres (2014)
To view the full version of Leonard Peres click here. (Enter password: Cuba)
Written by Suzanne Andrews Correa Directed by Missy Hernandez Cast: Leonard (Raoul D. Luna); Wife/Journalist (Isabel Santiago); Man listening to music (Carlos Ibarra) A Buds of May Production, with Columbia University |
Sourland (2014)
Written by Scott Korn Directed by Scott Korn Cast: Charlie (Raoul D. Luna); Eve (Shawna Lagan); Husband #2 (Scott Korn) A horror film by LAGCC student Scott Korn |
Still With It (2011)
Episode 1 - The Pilot Episode 2 - The Reality Show Written by Raoul D. Luna Cast: Julian Johns (Raoul D. Luna) Recently I created a web series called "Still With It", which chronicles the misguided adventures of Julian Johns, a desperate to be famous actor in his mid-forties, striving to maintain relevance in a hash-tag world. A funny thing happened on the way back from editing. Please click here to read the original uncensored script. |
The Fox on the Fairway (2013)
Additional works: